Friday, January 11, 2008

Smile it is Friday!

As we start the year some of us are trying to establish "Date Night" . This little clip from Covenant Life Church is a great "how NOT to" guide. I will leave it up to you if you want to show your hubby. By the way this a wonderful Church whose Pastor Joshua Harris has written some of the books that were in our Christmas Gift-Giving list and former Pastor is husband to Carolynn Mahaney our first Book Club study.
Please notice we have started the verse memorization on the left column...and we also have opened up the comment link so you may leave your thoughts. Just click on the "comments" link after the post.
Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

If you are having trouble accesing Link...double click on the play button...also it takes a minute to get it going.

Kim said...

That video is hilarious! I needed the laugh after my major cleaning day today! We actually did have date night last night and Jim took me to Pei Wei- better than the video guy right?
Thanks for the humor!