Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Proverbs 31:25;30

I am really interested to know what you all thought of yesterday's post...Has it been eye opening looking at this Proverbs 31 woman? What has been the most challenging for you?

Today, I just want to look at two small verses which pack a punch!

Proverbs 31:25
"Strength and honor are her clothing,
she shall rejoice in time to come"
Proverbs 31:30
"Charm is deceitful,
beauty is passing,
but a woman who fears the LORD shall be praised"

To continue the thoughts from yesterday....her beauty does not come from external adornment. Yes, she does purchase fine linen and makes beautiful clothing for herself and her family, but the key point here is that it is not her focus. Here, these verses clarify it more beautifully...she is clothed in "strength and honor". In the NAS it says "strength and dignity". We already saw that the word "strength" comes from the Hebrew word chayil denoting a military term "might, power, valiant, army" The Excellent Woman finds her strength IN the LORD. And the word "dignity" in the NAS denotes "the recognition belonging to a person of honor, renown." In the Greek language it is doxa and "it is not so much the outside appearance attracting attention to the person or thing, but that glory shown from within reflecting in the appearance which attracts attention." So this woman shines from within and therefore she has strength and dignity.

And look what it says next..."she shall rejoice in time to come".
The NAS says "she smiles at the future"
How can she smile? Because she knows her life is right with God and that secures her for the future. If your life is right with God the promises of God are an unfolding blessing. She knows in Whom she trusts. She is clothed in spiritual character and her life is secure in God. She is faithful and pure and therefore has nothing to fear.
What brings fear? Sin and the consequences of sin bring fear. There have been times in my life when I have feared what tomorrow had...usually it was because of my sin in the present. Whether I did not confess it or I tried to cover it up...fear always was present. If we live in guilt then we will fear discipline in the future. Years ago I read and article called "Are you a repenting repenter?" This woman must have been a repenting repenter...daily confessing and repenting of her sins.

Finally in verse 30 we get to the foundation for her excellence as a wife, homemaker, woman and mother.
"Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD she shall be praised"
Charm in the Hebrew means " gracefulness of form, it relates to her shape" And "beauty" has to do with the face...both of those can be deceitful. Everything on the outside can look so good, but it can be a cover up for what is inside. As a nation we have such a pre-occupation with appearance yet our hearts are wicked. Some of us are broken inside. What does it matter if we all just look the part if we have not been cleansed inside? Sooner or later charm and beauty will fade.

Not only does this woman know The LORD but she also she fears Him. That is her true beauty...not passing with wordly measures but constant and radiant. Notice the word LORD is in all caps that is "Jehovah". A noted Jewish commentator, Moses Maimonides, says in regard to this name, "All the names of God which occur in Scripture are derived from His works except one, and that is Jehovah; and this is called the plain name, because it teaches plainly and unequivocally of the substance of God" LORD is the one who has always been and will forever be. All the other names of God express some form of relationship... Elohim, Adonai...but Jehovah is separate...Jehovah is the Master, Ruler, He is the Covenant Keeper. Totally separate and independent. In HIM is where the Excellent Woman finds her strength and dignity. Why does she not fear tomorrow? She "fears" Him...this does not means fright but instead a reverence not to sin against. All she does, she does before Him...with reverence and a worshipful heart.
This verse ends with a glimpse on how does her family, friends and loved ones respond to her. They praise her. That is God's mark of approval on her. She is praised. When we live a life in reverence to God, set apart for Him and to Him there is praise among God's people. That is the blessing of her life of obedience.

NEXT: we will see how she is remembered and valued.

References today came from:
The "Key Word Study Bible"; Lexical aides to the New and Old Testament.
"The Names of God" by Nathan Stone
John MacArthur Study Bible
I list these if anyone would like to study further.

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