Thursday, January 10, 2008

Holiness part 4

I finish today this brief look at Holiness. I did make it my only new year's resolution because I believe if I pursue holiness then I can achieve many other things. I have learned that Holy really means separated and means God has called me and separated me for Himself. I have been called out of the world and into God's kingdom. I also have discovered what holiness looks like...I must love righteousness and hate evil. I must hate the things that God hates and as I looked at Proverbs 6:16-19 the first thing He hates is a "Haughty look". Of course there are many other things listed in Scripture which God hates:
"Lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked who spreads strife" V17-19
God also hates ritualistic empty-hearted worship. Isaiah 1:12-14
God hates the act of divorce. Mal 2:16
As RC Sproul puts it in his book "The Holiness of God"

"True transformations comes by gaining a new understanding of God, man and the world. What we are after ultimately is to be conformed to the image of Christ. We are to be like Jesus, though not in the sense that we can ever gain deity. We are not god-men. But our humanity is to mirror and reflect the perfect humanity of be conformed to Jesus we must first begin to think like Jesus. We need 'the mind of Christ'. We need to value the things He values, despise the things He despises...that cannot happen without the mastery of His Word. "
So there it "be Holy just as I am Holy' means I must know Christ and to know Him is to meditate, memorize and saturate myself in His Word. We are not to be like the rest of the world, content to live with a superficial understanding of God. As we grow in holiness we are to be dissatisfied with spiritual milk and hunger for meat! That is where the growth comes from....I move from basic understanding to deep, God-glorifying truths that EXALT God's character. I heard it once said..."The deeper we go in understanding God's Word the higher He goes!" That is so true. But like most people....digging into God's word takes work and discipline. I often let the pleasures of the world rob the happiness of knowing Christ. If there is anything that the Enemy would love to keep us from is God's Word. Often today little value is placed in knowing God's character and mind. Going to church is good for our kids because it teaches them "morals". But can I tell you good morals won't save any of us! It is like Paul tells us in Philippians
"But whatever was to my profit I know consider this loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ" Phil 3:7-8.
Let's ask these hard questions: How much time of the day do we spend studying God's word? How much of our thoughts during the day settle on Christ and His Word? How often do we pray? What are we reading right now? Where is our Bible? Answering these questions can give us all a good insight.
Then can I ask...Do you want more of Him?
Is that your confession? Is it your desire to now Christ in His fullness? Do you long to grow in holiness?
Would you commit to that? Then let's do it together! Encouraging one another towards that goal pleases God.
To help in that, I will be adding each week a verse to memorise. Look for it on the left hand column. Write it down...memorize. Let me know how it affected your thinking. Let's encourage one another. Let's make 2008 a year to draw closer to Christ, know Him better and grow in godliness.
The survey continues:
I would like to know what you would like to focus on next. Please let me know the subject you are interested in ...
Parenting:1-Disciple for small children.
2-Discipline for teens
3-Devotions time with kids
4-Teaching and modeling purity to our girls
5-Protecting our boys from worldly lust
1-Proverbs 31 Woman
2-Godly friendships
3-Home missions
E-mail your pick to

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