Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What is in their heart?

As we have started to look at the blessing of loving children, we have to understand that to love them we must know what is in their heart. When they are young, it is easier to "read" our children. For a 2-10 year old they wear their emotions on their sleeves. They tend to ask question and give much detail. As they get older that seems to get more and more difficult. I remember those middle-school years with Jessica and often meeting her in the hall way, holding her with my two arms and saying "I know the REAL Jessica is in there...would you come out?" Figuring out our pre-teens and teenagers is a full time process but one we can meet lovingly, tenderly and if humor helps that's great also!
I was listening to John Piper's Desiring God Conference this weekend on the computer. Mentioned in a Q&A session were a list of questions to ask your child to draw their heart out...get you to see inside their heart. I thought these were wonderful so I am passing them on for those who have pre-teenagers and teenagers. Remember our greatest opportunity to raise up disciples of Christ is to begin early to point them to His word and His Son. These questions provide such opportunities...

How are your devotions?
What is God teaching you?
In your own words, what is the gospel?
Is there a specific sin you’re aware of that you need my help defeating?
Are you more aware of my encouragement or my criticism?
What’s daddy (mommy)most passionate about?
Do I act the same at church as I do when I’m at home?
Are you aware of my love for you?
Is there any way I’ve sinned against you that I’ve not repented of?
Do you have any observations for me?
How am I doing as a dad (mom)?
How have Sunday’s sermons impacted you?
Does my relationship with mom (dad) make you excited to be married?
(On top of these things, with my older kids, I’m always inquiring about their relationship with their friends and making sure God and his gospel are the center of those relationship. And I look for every opportunity to praise their mother (father) and increase their appreciation and love for her (him).)

Some of these seem hard to ask...So we must begin by asking ourselves...are we modeling the life of a woman in love with her husband and with her God? What do they see in us that they would desire in themselves as adults? What areas must we change? Do we have a devotion time we can share with them? Are we letting them know the power of God's word to change us?
These are some of the things we will continue to talk about.

Naples Girls see you tonight!

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