Thursday, October 18, 2007

Can we do it all?

We have been talking about can all that God has for us come about? Can we really be changed women? On our own we will fail, but in Christ all things are possible. One of the strongest, most powerful and effective tools we have to change is the word of God. Yvette sent some wonderful verses that I posted at the end of yesterday's can read them as you scroll down today's post.

Yesterday I received a letter, that speaks about how to discern the will of God.
I want to share parts of the letter with you because it answers some of the questions we have regarding the possibility to live a life that brings glory to God.

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the BEST USE OF THE TIME, because the days are evil. " Eph. 5:15 ---The "best use of time" refers to choosing how to spend our time for the Glory of God...for eternal things not temporal.
The letter goes on to say...
"All of us make decisions based on what we really love. If deep down we really love the world, this will become apparent in the pattern of decisions that we make--we will look mainly like the world. But if we really love Christ, we will increasingly love what He loves. This is the transforming of a renewed mind....this love will be revealed in the PATTERN of small and large decisions that we make. I say pattern of decisions because all of us sin and make mistakes. But conformity to the world or to Christ, can be seen in the pattern of decisions we make.
Hebrews 5:14 tells us to use"our powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil."
As the discussion went on Tuesday night, this was a thought that kept coming up...can we really be all that God wants us to be?...and I say yes! It is this renewing process and a pattern of thinking that produces a life that honors God. Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that by testing, you may discern what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect"
This verse indicates that "renewing" is a constant process...on by day....and it is through that way of thinking that we can discern what is good or evil. What are we renewing our mind in? The Word of God...Scripture...the Bible. This new mind won't happen all at once but it WILL happen as we daily train our minds to choose God's way.
How are you renewing your mind? Do you have verses that you keep in the forefront of your thinking that help you discern what is good and what is evil? Let me them at

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