Thursday, August 30, 2007


The first Chapter of Carolyn Mahaney's book "Feminine Appeal" calls us to 1) Encourage one another in what is good from Titus 2:4-5. 2) To be a part of "Biblical Mentoring" . 3) And to understand how these virtues bring honor to the Gospel.
I thought of an incident in my life that illustrates these thoughts:
When the kids were still young: (I think 10, 8, 5 and 2 )David was going on his first overseas trip. He would be gone a week and he had not done that sort of trip ever. I began weeks before he left to think of what would happen to us should "something" happen to him. Day after day before the trip, I let my imagination run wild with these thoughts: "He would die in the plane crash and I have to raise the kids all alone." I imagined what my life would look like without him...what the funeral even looked like!!! I was a basket case. And on the day before he was to leave, "Miss Sally" called and noticed that I was notably upset. She asked what was wrong and no sooner did I get the first word out "David is...." that I began to cry uncontrollably. She calmed me down and let me get it all off my chest...the fear that something would happen, the anxiety of what my life would be like and the hard future I would face without David. She heard all this and then calmly told me that I was getting ahead of what God had revealed to me. She asked if I had a "special revelation" that allowed me to see what God would do. Between sobs I said "No". She then proceeded to tell me I was sinning. I was fabricating a future I knew nothing about. I was not trusting God and therefore was acting on no faith.
How hard it was to hear that, but how good it was to "know" that truth. She loved me enough to get my thoughts and actions aligned with the truth of God and His word. I repented of that sin and confessed it honestly and humbly before God. David left and he returned.
I realized I had been carried away by my imaginations and it took a Godly mentor who loved me and encouraged me to pursue what was good...God's truth.
How about you?...are there an stories you'd like to share?

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