Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Is anyone out there?

Yesterday I read some great encouragement from Carolyn Mahaney, who's book we are about to start. She points out that though some of the things we do as Moms do not receive the recognition they should, they matter greatly. We wonder "Am I making a difference"? As we carpool, help with homework, get up at 3:00 am to take care of tummy aches and spend countless hours reading "Where the Wild Things Are" or reviewing time tables; there is Someone who is watching and saying "Well done!" Though the work may go unnoticed now...He sees it and smiles.

One of my girls yesterday was telling me about a friend who really is showing her what it means to serve others. He sacrificially gave up his college plans to move back home and help mend a relation with a family member. God made the transition smooth and he is finding that what he thought he would give up (his college plans) God had a better means to the same end.

I thought about what it means to serve most of the day yesterday. I concluded, being a Mom is a wonderful way to show our kids how to serve others. As we serve our kids and husband we model Jesus to them. "Walk just as He walked" 1 John 2:6
Planning meals, the laundry, getting school supplies, wiping noses and so many other countless things moms do may seem insignificant and mundane in the grand scheme of life, but really there is no greater impact. Some of us are doing that now as grandparents and the same tasks we thought we finished, are returning with aching knees and memory loss!

Today, let's serve our family with a new enthusiasm and comfort, knowing that our Father is watching. The work we do today leaves a heritage and legacy to the world. It is a challenging task but one that we can meet head-on because our Father is watching and our Lord Jesus is empowering us to finish well. "I will strengthen you" Isaiah 41:10
And there is the added benefit of laughter to the days because we have memorized "the Cat in the Hat" and we can fall asleep humming the theme song from "Hannah Montana"

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I ulove to serve others, that is just one of the gifts that came naturaly to me, so I thought. After I took the Apples of Gold class I still did not realize I loved to serve or do for everyone else but my family. It wasn't until I was asked to give my testimony at an Applesauce meeting that the Holy Spirit revealed that to me. I am Thankful that I now realize my husband and children are to be my first ministry. It is hard to lay down all sin at once, at least until you realize what you are doing is sin. But that can only happen through study time.