Monday, August 27, 2007

A faithful saying...

Every year in our house, David comes up with a "faithful saying" we can work on together as a family. There have been many... when the kids where little our saying for them that year was "Let (mommy's) "Yes" be yes and "no" be no" James 5:12b (Italics added). This served to begin to teach our children not to wear mommy down. That once Mommy speaks, that is what she means.
As they got older and where choosing whom to hang out with "Bad company corrupts good character" 1 Cor. 15:33 became a good one. When they where becoming independent the last sentence they would hear out of us as they left was "Remember WHOM you belong to". These are all faith-building little sayings that instructed, encouraged and directed our lives. They where short and sweet, so we could easily include them throughout the day. What a great way to learn God's word for ourselves and then teach our children.

Thought you might enjoy a couple of good "faithful sayings" that maybe you could use this year...(italics mine)

"He who guards his mouth and tongue, guards (herself) from calamity" Prov. 21:23
"A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough" Gal. 5:80 ( good one for quickly confessing sin before it takes root)
"Be imitators of God" Eph. 5:1
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" 1 Peter 5:5b
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger" James 1:19
Or just simply put: God gave us two ears and one mouth so we need to listen twice as much!

Obviously these are just a drop in the bucket. God's Word is full of wisdom for our lives. It instructs us how to guard ourselves, conduct ourselves and live a life that would uplift the Gospel.
As women, wives, mothers and friends God's word should be ever present in our lips.
Col 3:16 says "May the word of God dwell richly in your heart" That is my prayer and desire for us.

Reminder: tomorrow night at my home is our first gathering for our Book Club. Hope to see many of you. If you can not be here, get ready to begin in the next two weeks a discussion on Chapter one. Wednesday morning look for a post with an overview of the chapter and our discussions will begin!

Talk to you soon!


Kim Glass said...

You're the best, Janet! Thanks for doing this!

Janet said...

So glad you are with us Kim! I know you will provide great insight and I know the "Naples" girls will love having you!