Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ride on!

This past week we looked at several points Carolyn Mahaney makes in her book.
First: Mentoring is a Biblical mandate. (Both to mentor and to be mentored). Does anyone have a mentoring "memory" of how someone helped you?
Second: We have the potential to discredit or commend the Gospel to others. She asked us to think of those in our lives who maybe watching. How did we do last week?
Third: Those who were there on Tuesday were given the assignment to ask their husbands in which of the seven virtues (loving our husbands and children, self-control, purity, working at home, kindness and submission) would they like to see us grow more. How is that going?

Always beginning to change takes courage, humility and perseverance. Change often does not come quickly, but in baby steps. Each step leading closer and closer to maturity. Think of that and don't get discouraged. Every little baby step moves us further on.

When Jessica was about 7 David was teaching her how to ride a bike. He worked with her all day long. There were a few falls but David was right there to catch her and she never bruised. She was confident and at the end of the day she was so eager to show me what she could do. David and I were on our way out for our "date night" but she was insistent to show me. She took off down the street and I noticed she kept going right off the sidewalk into a gravel pit, up the gravel mound and then came tumbling down. We ran to her and when I reached her she said, in the most dramatic way "This had to happen on the greatest day of my life!"
You see in her little mind it was the greatest day..she had learned to ride a bike on her own. And then came a fall...But that did not stop her the next day from getting back on it! Sometimes we have the greatest days only to end them with a fall. But God promises to give us fresh and abundant grace for tomorrow and it is sufficient. If we "fall" He is there to get us back up and ride!

A reminder "Naples Girls" will meet next Tuesday...

1 comment:

Janet said...

I had made an error/type ...the question to ask our husbands is NOT what we would like to see in them...but which of the virtues they would like to see grow more in US!
So far I had not had the right time to ask David...we were out of town this Labor day weekend and it was such a relaxing time I did not want to step out of it...so I will this week.
Also...sorry about not posting yesterday...we got back late. But I do have a funny "Labor Day" Friday smile for you!
By the way...is anyone chatting?