Tuesday, September 18, 2007

God is in charge

On Sunday morning at church, we had a great discussion on the will of God. His sovereign will and His revealed will. His revealed will is clearly seen in the Scriptures...everything He has written is to reveal His mind, heart and desires for us. He tells us what we are to flee from and Whom we ought to run to. So we really are without excuse when we say..."I did not know that..."
On the other side, His sovereign will is secret and it is only revealed to us as it unfolds. David pointed out, we see His sovereign will in history. Even as close as yesterday, His sovereign will was revealed.
His sovereign will encompasses nations, kingdoms, rulers and then moves to groups of people and even to families and more intimatly to our own lives. He purposes the rise and fall of kingdoms, the election of Presidents and more intimately He has purposed and chose our husbands. That is why in the ceremony it says..."What God has joined together "
God has joined David and I...As He directs and creates nations, and rulers and kingdoms He intimately and tenderly weaves together a husband and a wife. How marvelous! How wonderful!

Have you ever thought of that...God's will for you is your marriage to your husband. So if you think "Maybe I made the wrong choice" or "What about________maybe he was the one I should have married" Let me lovingly and firmly tell you you are heading down a path that will lead you to sin. God is in your marriage and He has joined to two of you.
This marriage we are in, represents His union to His beloved Church and He will not forsake us to get another bride. His commitment to keep us through our stubbornness, our disobedience and our immaturity shows His faithfulness to us (the bride). And that is the same in our marriages. We are joined in marriage to the one God has purposed for us!

So today, can we all look at our husbands that way. Can we see our marriage through God's perspective? What could be a better help to us, than to see them as God sees them? Can we remember and trust God that what He has joined together, He will keep and use it to change us and then bring Glory to Himself.
May this be an encouragement to us all.

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