Monday, November 5, 2007

True Happiness

A couple of weeks ago I was studying the Beatitudes in Matthew. God gave me some new insights this year on what it truly means to be "blessed". I had studied Matthew a few years ago, through BSF, but this year in particular, I was drawn into the meaning of "Blessed" or as many translate blessed to be "happiness". But, it is so much more than mere "happiness". Jesus gives a discourse on what being blessed looks like to those who are in His kingdom. As usual, God's word goes against our own thinking. What seems to be a paradox, actually gives us insight into God's kingdom and what it brings us and makes us.
The word "Blessed" in Matthew is the Greek word makarios and it speaks of "contentedness" which implies an idea NOT affected by circumstances. This is the way God wants His children to live...a state of joy and wellbeing that does not depend on physical, temporary circumstances.
But a further meaning is also found in makarios, it is as Greek Scholar Spiros Zodhiates writes "possessing the favor of God, that state of being marked by fullness from God" This gives us the idea of God's "blessing" on us. John Piper puts it as "God becomes 100% for us" Once we where at "enmity" with Him. Ephesians 2:3 says that Christians were “children of wrath” before they were made alive in Christ Jesus. “We all once lived [among the sons of disobedience] in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.” But now we are "blessed" and God's favor rests upon us.
Third, the word makarios goes even deeper as "one who becomes a partaker of God's nature through faith in Christ" From A Word for the Day by J.D. Watson.
Here, Mr. Watson also quotes Zodhiates again "To be makarios , blessed, is equivalent to having God's kingdom within one's heart".

So to be blessed is to be content regardless of circumstances because God is 100% for us and we have been transferred from His wrathful side to His loving side! How marvelous is that! Romans tells us that "If God is for us, who can be against us?" So therefore it does not matter what happens outside of us, inside and eternally we are safe, secure and loved, possessing all of God's favor and kingdom within us.

I know you must think, why are we looking at this now instead of the last chapter of Carolyn's book? Well the last chapter deals with submission and for many of us that is a hard concept. But how much better can we accomplish this as we see submission as part of His blessing and favor for us.

Tomorrow we will look at that further. Today, just think of how blessed you are...God's favor rests on you...He is 100% for you IF you are His child.

Dear Janet,
Amen to the "REAL" meaning of true happiness!!! Thanks for always helps to be reminded of what God really wants for our lives....your comments are always a blessing..... Have a great day!! ...Cathy

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