Beauty is a hot topic today. At every check out counter there is a magazine cover exalting beauty. Over and over we are told what it takes to be beautiful...face-lifts, extreme exercise routines, diet, work out, sexiness, make-up or the right clothes are what sets the standard for beauty. Every year People Magazine does an article on "the Most Beautiful People"...wecovet beauty as a nation...we must look good at all cost.
What does the Bible consider beauty? I know many of us know Godly beauty is different than physical beauty. Is there a warning for us as women?
So what can be understood by the phrases in Proverbs 31? Doesn't it appear that she does pay attention to her appearance? We have to look at Scripture as a whole...Scripture will verify Scripture. We can see that this excellent woman takes care of her appearance BUT within the context of Scripture, we see that it is NOT her focus. Yes, she does care how she looks, BECAUSE it benefits her husband. There is a sense that she cares for herself BECAUSE she cares of her husband's and family's reputation.
When it speaks of her coverings for her bed and purple linen clothing, it can be inferred that she seeks for the best quality. She probably does not have a closet-full but instead what she has is of good quality and beauty.
But just a quickly as we learn that she pursues quality, we are told that what is most valuable is her strength and dignity. What this means is: Don’t focus our main attention and effort on how we look on the outside; focus it on the beauty that is inside. Exert more effort and be more concerned with inner beauty than outer beauty.
That is what Peter is telling us in 1 Peter 3:4...
What a warning to us...notice than when there is a preoccupation on external beauty that begins the fall of a nation...When we are consumed by temporal, fleshly things and forget the eternal and godly, God begins to judge a nation.
Let me ask...from these verses, do you think we are heading there?
Tomorrow we will look at true beauty again.
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