Looking further at this new year's resolution to "Be holy" I am again humbled at the very thought. I know myself....I know those secret emotions, thoughts and desires. I look at all of that and think "I am so far from holiness" "How could I ever..." That's it! I can't...but listen to this
" The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it" 1 Thess. 5:24.
As I am understanding this, there is a sequence:
1-God is Holy.
2-He calls us to be holy.
3: Christ is our provision for holiness.
When we are saved we are given everything we need to live a life of holiness. It is just a disciplined choice, on an hourly basis, to live in the fullness of Christ. That is what the Bible calls "Being filled with the Spirit" Eph. 5:18.
So how would a life filled with the spirit look like? Here are just but a few of the ways:
1--I must love righteousness and hate wickedness. That means what God hates, I must be on His side. I remove myself from earthly allegiance towards heavenly allegiance. When God says in Proverbs 6:16
"There are 6 things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to Him:
Haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."
Do you find it strange that on the very top of God's list of the things He hates is "haughty eyes"? Why would it not be murder, or blaspheme or adultery? Why would He call out haughtiness? I believe that this one sin alone, is the birthing ground for all else. Haughty here means arrogance and pride. It is the sin which caused Satan to be cast out of heaven...it is the sin that caused Adam and Eve to fall. Haughtiness sets itself up against God...it says "I am my own God" "I direct my path...I will do as I please" Haughtiness sets itself up against others. "I am right!" "I will not submit!" "I am better at this than you!" And haughtiness sets itself up as ruler and king. Haughtiness chooses its own way over anything.
If I am to live a life that is holy...and reflect Christ in me, then here is where I must begin.
Isaiah 66:2 says "This is the one I esteem:
he who is humble and contrite in spirit
and trembles at my word."
James 4:10 tells us to "humble ourselves before the Lord"
Matthew 23:12 tells us that "whoever humbles himself will be exalted"
Isn't it just like God to take whatever seems contradictory and make it right in His economy? He calls us to humble ourselves so we may be exalted...in our own way of thinking those two words seem contradictory...but in His mind they are in perfect harmony. That is because as we humble ourselves it is Christ in us who exalts us. It is His character that rises up as our haughtiness is broken. This is the greatest of exchange...the lowly for the highest!
So that is my first step in seeking to love a holy life...humble myself before God. Let Christ be exalted in me.
When I desire to lash back...I will choose gentleness and meekness. When I want it done my way...I will chose God's way... quietness and kindness. And trust God with all the outcome. He is sovereign and "will work ALL things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28
Tomorrow part 3.
The survey continues. Please look at the post from yesterday to make your choice. Then e-mail to girlschat@gmail.com
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Holiness part 2
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