Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Holiness part 3

Andrew Murray in his book "Path to Holiness" makes this application: "I have only as much faith as I have of the Spirit. This then, is what I most need to live entirely under the influence of the Spirit"
What is it he needs? He needs more faith. In Scripture we see that a God can add to our faith. Jesus added and completed John the Baptist's faith when he was in jail. Jesus sent "word" back to John to cancel his doubts. (Doubt really is unbelief...unbelief is lack of faith) The apostles asked for their faith to be increased. And each time it was increased, it was by the words of Christ. Christ is the Living Word. (We talked about that last month. You can go back to Archives or Past Posts section to the left column and re-read it if you need refreshment)

To live a "spirit filled life" is to live saturated in the Word. That is where our unbelief becomes belief. That is the case for everyone who desires to live a holy life. But it is not as if God has to keep adding everyday more of His Spirit so we may be Holy.
2 Peter 1:3-4 states
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires"
Did you get that in the first sentence? ALL that we need to live a life that is godly and holy has been given to us in Christ. Our response to this great exchange is to live fully appropriating what has been deposited.
I heard a story not to long ago of a man who died alone in his home. No one knew much about him. He died in the poorest of conditions. His home was in shambles. His clothes appeared to not have been washed or changed in months. When police began to try and find his identity they were astonished. Seems to be this man was the son of one of the wealthiest families in California. As police began to research financial records they found he was worth millions! Yet with all that at his disposal, this man chose live a life of a pauper. That is how most of us live...we live as paupers not utilizing the riches of our adoption into God's family. We live meagerly, from struggle to disappointment as we move through this life. But that is not how it should be...we have a great resource to draw everyday from.

Jesus states in John 17:17 "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth"
2 Thess 2:13 "God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth."
The chief means of our sanctification that God uses is His Word. Not only am I to "believe" but I must humble myself in order to be transformed. If I am to "be holy" I must allow the sanctifying work of God's word to take place. My part is to humble myself, submit and BELIEVE the truth. In God's Word I see the truth about me, about the world systems and ways of thinking. I read about God's holiness, righteousness, wrath, judgement and I can clearly see the course of history unfolding. In His Word Christ is revealed as the Son of God, the Redeemer, the King, the One who will judge and reign. In God's Word there is Truth and it is clear, precise. God does not mince words...He does not say one thing and mean another. He reveals it all and my response needs to be humility and belief. Nothing has such an affinity to holiness as a humble spirit. It goes back to what we said yesterday..."He hates haughtiness" Haughtiness and humility can not occupy the same space at the same time. It is impossible for God to rule when "self" is on the throne. Sin and self-love have abiding influence on me. I can not see me for who I truly am and I cannot see God fro who He truly is. Until I look to the Truth can I depose myself and through the word be humbled. It is just when my consciousness of sin and the discovery of how much "self" there is in me that it brings fear. The fear is that I can never on my own be holy. It is right then when The Holy One gives me himself as I abdicate the throne and rightfully and humbly submit to Him. That is holiness.
That is the life I desire in 2008.

Holiness by faith in Jesus,
not the effort of thine own;
sin's dominion crushed and broken
by the power of grace alone.
God's own holiness within thee
His own beauty on thy brow--
this shall be thy pilgrim brightness
and thy blessed portion now.
Francess Ridley Havergal
Here is a little survey :
I would like to know what you would like to focus on next. Please let me know the subject you are interested in ...
1-Disciple for small children.
2-Discipline for teens
3-Devotions time with kids
4-Teaching and modeling purity to our girls
5-Protecting our boys from worldly lust
1-Proverbs 31 Woman
2-Godly friendships
3-Home missions
E-mail your pick to

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