Monday, October 29, 2007

The Rewards of Kindness

Chapter 7 of our book "Feminine Appeal" gives us a definition of kindness and mentions three sins that hinder kindness.
I appreciate the distinction Carolyn makes between kindness and goodness. So often we use those two words to mean the same things. But she states that kindness is a desire that sincerely wants other's happiness. Goodness is, on the other hand, an activity that is calculated to advance happiness. One is a desire the other action.
Now that we have our definitions, what hinders kindness? Carolyn points out three sins that can rob kindness and destroy kind desires.
Before I highlight those sins, Carolyn also reminds us that once again we can not accomplish anything on our own. Kindness is a temperament and quality we must continually ask God's Holy Spirit to give us strength to have and maintain. Kindness is not a virtue we can have on our own strength, it is often obstructed by sin and our own selfish desires. So to begin to be kind, we must rely on God's strength.
What are three of the sins that hinder kindness? She first mentions anger. What is in our hearts will spill out when given the slightest provocation. Have you ever lashed out at you husband? Kids? Friends? They wondered where did that come from? Well it came from your heart. Matthew 15:18 says "What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart"
If we do not continuously deal with unrepentant anger in our heart, it will rear it's ugly tone in our conversation. A few weeks ago, David was out of town and I had fixed a nice diner for the kids. As it often is now, everyone was running in every direction. And as I kept calling for them to come to dinner it was getting later and later. Finally they came to the table, and the first thing I hear is "I don' t like this, Mom" "Is there anything else?" Well I just about lost it! No, I mean I lost it. I went on about how ungrateful they most kids don't get a meal at night...I also got on my self-pity soapbox and said "why do I even bother"...I am sure you get the picture. It was as if I was taking out the garbage in my heart. The children were sad and not a word was spoken. Afterwards, I realized my screaming and ranting had nothing to do with the had to do with pride. I was angry because I did not think they appreciated me enough. I was the source of the anger...not them. It would have been easy to make sandwiches...but I was prideful... all day I had worked and I needed some respect and affirmation.
What I should have been doing throughout the day is, confessing those thoughts of pride, resentment and selfishness all day! Then I would have been able to respond to the kids with kindness at the dinner table.
Can you relate? Do you ever feel that all the anger, resentment and prideful thoughts of your day come to a head in the littlest comment from your husband or kids? If so, let's learn to confess and repent quickly, so that we may enjoy expressing kindness to those we love.
Tomorrow we will look at the other two sins: Bitterness and judging. Ouch!

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