I think this topic of "homemaker" makes me as anxious as the topic of "submission"...which we will be discussing later! That's why I wanted to begin by looking at why is there this tension between staying at home and working outside of the home? It was not like this before...it really has happened within my generation. And I believe, with the Feminist movement years ago and that rhetoric continues to echo today. Yesterday, we briefly, looked at some of the theology hidden, deep within Feminism. This theology is one that is discrediting God, Christ and the authenticity of the Scriptures.
When we look at the passage in Titus 2, there is really no doubt what God is saying. There is no parable to interpret...it is simple and direct. When a shooter goes out to shoot, he goes for the clearest target...this is clear.
"Older women, likewise, are to be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the Word of God may not be reviled." Titus 2:3-5
So what does God have to say to us about working at home? First, home is I simply her "sphere", that's her "domain." It comes from two Greek words Ergon, which means "work," and Oikos which means "house". It doesn't mean we have to be in our homes 24 hours and can never leave. Carolyn points out in her book, the woman in Proverbs 31 left home when she needed to to buy a field, prepare that field, and even went far to find things that would help the family. The Proverbs 31 woman, did all she needed to do, but the focus of everything was her home. That's where she poured her life ...she got up early and she went to bed late for the sake of her home. Women are to be a home keepers, that's the sphere of our responsibility, that's our place of enjoyment (not employment), that's where we should pour our lives. As Carolyn tells us "Scripture provides examples of godly women who worked in other settings and earned extra income, but never to the neglect of families and homes"
Second, it's important to take note that there are "seasons" in our lives when pursuits outside our home won't affect/neglect our homes. When David and I first got married, we both had careers. We both arrived home late and there was no tension that we did not eat at 6:30. When our children came, it was important to us, to set up a routine for dinner. Tensions began to build towards that inconsistency. The girls kept going to bed later and later which added much tension to our lives at night and in the morning when we were all exhausted! We managed to keep busy schedules and often the tension grew greater because my boss was asking for longer hours. But God interceded and a choice had to be made. I had to trust Him at His Word...Ephesians 5:29 says that our husbands are to "feed and care" for us as Christ does the Church. David's role is of provider and my role is as helper.
Last to consider, what are we to do if we HAVE to work. To answer that, we must check our motives. Is it for me, because I am "not fulfilled at home" or is it because it enhances and enriches our home? If the purpose for work accomplishes some spiritual goal, then that's between you and the Lord and your husband. God's will is clear...our sphere of influence is to be our homes. Our greatest impact in the world is to raise a generation of children who love Christ and live to bless others.
Before we go, I have to say, often it is hard to make a choice, If you, like I did, are facing this struggle day by day, would you begin today to ask God to give you courage and faith to live as He wants you to? Would you pray for creative ways to "cut-back" expenses so you can live under your husband's care? And would you trust Him?
Tomorrow we will touch on what does it look like to be "working at home". It is so perfect that God would place that command right after self-control and purity.
Any thoughts? Go to girslchat@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Honor of working at home
at 10/24/2007
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