We have heard it say over and over..."Just say No" or "Just do it" but is it as simple as that? In our Book "Feminine Appeal" we are reading Chapter 4 "The Safety of Self-Control" and Carolyn reminds us that "self-control is what we need to say NO to sinful desires." She also builds a picture that to be self-controlled we need to have walls of protection around us. She says, "God's Word likens self-control to walls or rather, it informs us that NOT having self-control is like NOT having walls..." Proverbs 25:28 says "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls"
We often pray for our family and friends that God would put a hedge or a "wall" of protection around them. Do we ever pray that for ourselves? What does this "Wall" look like...Can I suggest that each brick in this wall has already been given to us we just need to build. Each brick is the precious and powerful Word of God. Let me give you an example: if I know that I am weak when it comes to eating sweets, I won't place myself in the bakery at 9:00 a.m.! But I can find strength when I remember Psalm 19:13. It says "Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me".
How will they not have dominion over me? I will flee! Self-control begins not placing myself in an environment that I am too weak to resist the temptation. Can I also suggest this goes for Target when I know I don't have the money in my wallet or to girlfriends who gossip when I know I will get drawn into that conversation. Self-control takes a plan!
Self-control also requires power. The Christian way of self-control is NOT "Just say no!" The problem is with the word "just." You don't just say no. You say no in a certain way: You say "NO" by faith in the superior power of Christ. When we say "NO" we say no to our inner desires...our inner conflict that entices us to sin. That is controlling "self"...When you take the word apart it paints a picture of controlling your body, mind and appetites. And this kind of self-control may be painful. But the difference between worldly self-control and Godly self-control is crucial. Who will get the glory for victory? That's the issue. Will we get the glory? Or will Christ get the glory? If we exercise self-control by faith in Christ's superior power and pleasure, He will get the glory.
This weekend can we take a moment to evaluate ourselves? Where are you weak? Where are you lacking self-control? Then take the Word of God brick by brick and sentence by sentence and build a wall. Then look to Christ's superior power to stay within these walls protected. Then we can say "No"...boldly, confidently and giving Him all the Glory!
We often pray for our family and friends that God would put a hedge or a "wall" of protection around them. Do we ever pray that for ourselves? What does this "Wall" look like...Can I suggest that each brick in this wall has already been given to us we just need to build. Each brick is the precious and powerful Word of God. Let me give you an example: if I know that I am weak when it comes to eating sweets, I won't place myself in the bakery at 9:00 a.m.! But I can find strength when I remember Psalm 19:13. It says "Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me".
How will they not have dominion over me? I will flee! Self-control begins not placing myself in an environment that I am too weak to resist the temptation. Can I also suggest this goes for Target when I know I don't have the money in my wallet or to girlfriends who gossip when I know I will get drawn into that conversation. Self-control takes a plan!
Self-control also requires power. The Christian way of self-control is NOT "Just say no!" The problem is with the word "just." You don't just say no. You say no in a certain way: You say "NO" by faith in the superior power of Christ. When we say "NO" we say no to our inner desires...our inner conflict that entices us to sin. That is controlling "self"...When you take the word apart it paints a picture of controlling your body, mind and appetites. And this kind of self-control may be painful. But the difference between worldly self-control and Godly self-control is crucial. Who will get the glory for victory? That's the issue. Will we get the glory? Or will Christ get the glory? If we exercise self-control by faith in Christ's superior power and pleasure, He will get the glory.
This weekend can we take a moment to evaluate ourselves? Where are you weak? Where are you lacking self-control? Then take the Word of God brick by brick and sentence by sentence and build a wall. Then look to Christ's superior power to stay within these walls protected. Then we can say "No"...boldly, confidently and giving Him all the Glory!
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