Here are some recent questions being asked in light of what we are reading about prayer...
Thanks to those of you who e-mail me...your questions are often what many are thinking...
From Yvette:
"Hi Janet, Your post this week really spoke to me, and I just want to be sure that I am understanding you correctly. I don't personally ask God for signs in my life, but I do ask to be led according to His will. I also pray that all other doors would close (is that asking for a sign indirectly?) I understand that I am to meditate on God's Word daily and his plan for me will just unfold as I am being obedient in his Word. Is that right? I am not sure I a woman I am dependent on how situations make me feel, for example, my husband and I looked at a house a few weeks ago that needs a lot of work, but because I felt so comfortable in the home, it's a home we are now considering regardless of the work that needs to be done. Should I not go with my feeling or gut? Is it wrong to ask that God close all other options? Do I just rely on just praying and meditating on God's Word and letting Him gently guide me? I tend to question is it rely God's will? Or what is God's will? I want to do what He wants me to do in my life, but I am not always sure if He is leading me or my family. How does one know for sure? I love and miss you dearly, I am so thankful for your daily posts. Love,Yvette"
Dear Yvette,
How precious is your heart. You are not alone when you wrestle over such things as a home to buy. I hope this gives you some comfort and relief. We have been talking about that in matters where we are not going against God's revealed will in the Scriptures, we do not need to burden ourselves and at times even immobilize our lives, thinking that we are going against God's will. We have seen that God has revealed enough in Scripture to outline for us a course of living...He has "Holy fenceposts" that guide us. What we need to ask ourselves are three basic questions: First, you must obey the moral will of God as it is revealed in Scripture. If Scripture prohibits the action in question, your decision is easy: don’t do it. Likewise, if one of the options in your choice causes you to neglect something God specifically commands you to do, you are required to make the choice that will allow you to fulfill your biblical obligation. Something we can ask ourselves when processing a decision: Does this choice bring us closer to righteous living? or would this choice cause us or anyone we are accountable for ( weaker brother or sister) to sin. So as you are looking at your choices, remember these two protective fencepost.
Often choices, if they do not lead us or others toward sin, are really a blessing. We thank God for the choices and we can make a decision confidently knowing that it is in God's will. It is the analogy of the apples in the basket. Choosing one does not make the others bad...we rejoice that God gives so richly.
Second, good decision-making requires that you exercise biblical wisdom. Such wisdom comes from a diligent study of God’s Word, coupled with God’s generous provision. James encourages those who lack wisdom to “ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). To make wise decisions, you need to gather necessary information, consider all the options carefully, seek godly counsel, and then choose the option that is most sensible (Proverbs 2:1-11).
Finally, you need to consider your own desires. If the Bible is silent about your decision, and if one choice is not clearly wiser than the other, then do what you want. You have the freedom to do so, and God sovereignly works out His plan through your desires (Psalm 37:4; Philippians 2:13).
When looking at the house..just some practical ideas...will the extra expenses of "fixing up" the house add undue burden for you and your husband? It is already a lot to be settling into a new city...financially speaking will this be something you two can carry through at peace or will it cause division? Also I know you are looking at the is it for raising children? How far are you from your Church? Godly friends? Things like that could guide us to make the decision.
Think through these God with your decision once you make it enjoy God's provision! Love your heart...and I thank God for what He is doing in you.
More Q & A tomorrow
A couple of Mother's Day pictures....
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