Wednesday, February 27, 2008

How to equip our conscience

Yesterday's post produced some questions.
How can I make sure my conscience will guide me correctly?
How can I build-up my conscience?
Those are great questions and I want to offer 5 ways to build up your
conscience so it will be quick to protect and warn us.

1-Saturate your mind with the Word of God.
It goes without saying..."What goes in is what comes out". The more you saturate ourselves with the way "God Thinks" the more we will think like Him and see the world the way he does. It all begins here. The Scriptures will become your "sphere of influence" if that is what is in your mind.

2-Be quick to apply principles from your study of God's Word.
We learn by application...not just head knowledge. Take what you have read and purposefully look for an opportunity to apply it. God delights in the quick obedience of His children. In Scripture we can see faithful example of quick obedience...Isaiah, Abraham, the disciples. These men heard God and the wasted no time to obey and apply what God had said.

3-When you learn a Biblical truth...don't budge.
Keep absolutes and build on them. Where God has spoken clearly and definitively stand on those principles and DON'T move. Don't try and rationalize your way out ("That can't apply for today"..."Maybe just this one time" or "No one will see") The second we excuse our way out of obedience we have "short circuited" our conscience.

4- Have a plan to get out.
If you find yourself in a situation that will lead to a fall...look for a quick way out. If you make a plan ahead of time, when the need arises for you to "flee" it will be automatic. Practice makes perfection here. As Nike says "Just do it". Your conscience will lead you out once you have established a pattern of escape.

5-Be accountable to another.
Godly friendships are key. If you have a weakness for spending money, let your friend know and ask her to "call-you out" when she sees a leading towards it. Have someone pray for you in these weakness and trials. Often I call friends just to say "pray" when I am facing a difficult decision. Knowing I have someone praying become like a "trigger" to know God is with me and my conscience is made sensitive to that.
Hope that helps everyone. It's a short post today... I have caught that nasty "flu bug" so I am back to bed!
Posts on Monday (MARCH 10TH) will start an overview of the discussion and Chapters. I am really looking forward to it.

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