Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A daily devotion

Christians are called to a daily devotion of following Christ. Often though, we tend to think of starting the day with prayer or reading a certain passage then off we go to start the day. Sometimes we even feel like, "OK that is done" and an hour later may have forgotten what we have meditated on and find ourselves wrapped up in the day's events. Can I say to us, we need to look at daily devotion as a way to live rather than a segmented hour we can give to Christ.

This morning as I was praying, I felt there just was not enough time. I thought "Lord, I don't want to start the day...I just want to sit with you. Could you make time stop?" Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever just wanted to sit there, meditating on Him, reading His Word or just enjoying His presence?
This day holds a lot for me to get done. Hannah our youngest daughter has to have a colonoscopy tomorrow morning. Today is a day of preparation for her...a day that she will need Mom by her side to comfort and encourage. As I was praying, I just wanted to stay in His presence all day dismiss the events of the day that lay ahead for me. But the truth is, that this fellowship we are to have with Him, is a constant fellowship. He never leaves us or abandons us to our troubles.

In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says "Come to me". Every day Jesus calls out to us the same way. His words are gentle, encouraging. His arms are outstretched encompassing all time, all events, all circumstances. When He spoke these words in the Gospels many responded. The leper came. The blind came. The tired and weary came. Anxious men and women came. And they all found rest and fellowship with Him from that moment on.

Christ calls us to "Come"...every minute, every day. He will always be with us, urging us to follow Him. He will always lead, paving our way and clearing our path. As we follow Him every hour, we will hear His calming voice and know His gentle ways.
I need to hear Him today...and tomorrow and the day after. I need a devotional life...minute by minute walking with Him .
In Genesis we are told, "Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him" that is how I want to live. Walking hour by hour until I am no more.
I heard it this way... Enoch was walking with God . And they walked and walked. Then it was the end of the day and God said to Enoch "we are closer to my home...lets finish there".
What a wonderful response to His calling us to "Come" . Our response should be to say "yes!"
Spurgeon in his book "Morning and Evening" says
"...if you are a believer this is your cry to Christ "Come! Come!"...you say it with John "Come quickly Lord Jesus" you crave closer fellowship with Him."

Our response to His "Come" should be yes! Live with me Immanuel...Reign in my life...without a rival. My life devoted to you and you devoted to me.

Any thoughts? go to Girlschat@gmail.com

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