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"Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom" COL 3:16
Cathy and her two snuggle bugs!
Yvette...and her beautiful family
We have reached a milestone...of sorts so I feel we must announce it ... Over 1,000 have visited this site since August! Thanks to all of you who have stopped by and stayed...My hope is that you have been encouraged, comforted and brought closer to God's Word...His Son.
Have a Blessed Christmas!
Ok...this is when we (crafty, DIY, Martha-wannabees) go over the top!
Have a great weekend....
Send me your Christmas pictures...your dog...your kids...your family! We will have a web-Christmas card exchange next week. Don't be shy!
Yesterday began at 5:00 a.m. and ended at 10:45 p.m. It began with David and I rising early to get ready to take Hannah to the hospital for her colonoscopy (which went very well other than some upper irritation which we believe can be healed). As soon as the procedure was over, we were beeped to go back and see her and the doctor. Looking at her sweet little face still under the anaesthesia the doctor came out to tell us it all went fine. My intuitive response is to say out loud "Praise God"...there in a single sentence is my hope. It was not in the doctor, or the medical procedure or even the incredible tool the doctor was using to look inside Hannah....it was in God Himself. The outcome could have been different, more severe...the result could have been one which many also face...but the Hope for perseverance through whatever the Lord brings would have been the same...Christ! Hope that is focused and anchored in Christ never fails!
Christians are called to a daily devotion of following Christ. Often though, we tend to think of starting the day with prayer or reading a certain passage then off we go to start the day. Sometimes we even feel like, "OK that is done" and an hour later may have forgotten what we have meditated on and find ourselves wrapped up in the day's events. Can I say to us, we need to look at daily devotion as a way to live rather than a segmented hour we can give to Christ.
This morning as I was praying, I felt there just was not enough time. I thought "Lord, I don't want to start the day...I just want to sit with you. Could you make time stop?" Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever just wanted to sit there, meditating on Him, reading His Word or just enjoying His presence?
This day holds a lot for me to get done. Hannah our youngest daughter has to have a colonoscopy tomorrow morning. Today is a day of preparation for her...a day that she will need Mom by her side to comfort and encourage. As I was praying, I just wanted to stay in His presence all day dismiss the events of the day that lay ahead for me. But the truth is, that this fellowship we are to have with Him, is a constant fellowship. He never leaves us or abandons us to our troubles.
In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says "Come to me". Every day Jesus calls out to us the same way. His words are gentle, encouraging. His arms are outstretched encompassing all time, all events, all circumstances. When He spoke these words in the Gospels many responded. The leper came. The blind came. The tired and weary came. Anxious men and women came. And they all found rest and fellowship with Him from that moment on.
Christ calls us to "Come"...every minute, every day. He will always be with us, urging us to follow Him. He will always lead, paving our way and clearing our path. As we follow Him every hour, we will hear His calming voice and know His gentle ways.
I need to hear Him today...and tomorrow and the day after. I need a devotional life...minute by minute walking with Him .
In Genesis we are told, "Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him" that is how I want to live. Walking hour by hour until I am no more.
I heard it this way... Enoch was walking with God . And they walked and walked. Then it was the end of the day and God said to Enoch "we are closer to my home...lets finish there".
What a wonderful response to His calling us to "Come" . Our response should be to say "yes!"
Spurgeon in his book "Morning and Evening" says
"...if you are a believer this is your cry to Christ "Come! Come!"...you say it with John "Come quickly Lord Jesus" you crave closer fellowship with Him."
Our response to His "Come" should be yes! Live with me Immanuel...Reign in my life...without a rival. My life devoted to you and you devoted to me.
Any thoughts? go to Girlschat@gmail.com
Language is basic to us all. It is the way we let others know who we are and how they tell us. Don't you love when someone shares their heart with you? Or when someone recognizes something about you and is able to express it so clearly that it blesses you? Or even when a friend tells you something and though it is painful to hear you receive it in such a way that it helps you? So is the Language of Love from God.
Today many Pastors and scholars have devised "Love Languages" they encourage us to find our "love Language" and then speak to others in their "Love language". Can I tell you there is someone who knows all of our "love languages" and speaks to us clearly, lovingly and powerfully enough to change us. God's language is Christ. He is the Word or in Greek Logos
In John's Gospel he begins "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" John 1:1
The "Logos" or Word here in the original language of Greek means intelligence and "word" as the expression of that intelligence. It comes from Lego which means to speak. Jesus in His preincarnate state is called "ho Logos," The Word, "Meaning first, immaterial intelligence and then, the expression of that intelligence in speech that humans can understand" (from the Key Word Bible #3056) Christ displays the mind and heart of God The Father so we can understand.
It is important to see what does John means by "beginning"? ...when does that take place? In the original Greek there is no definite article it is more like "In beginning". What beginning does this mean?....we can think of many beginnings here...beginning of the world (Matt 24:21 or Gen 1)) ; the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus (Mark 1:1) or maybe the beginnning of creation...but really because there is no definite article it is designed to carry us back to the most remote point that can be imagined. Before creation there was the Word. Jesus was before there was specific time. He was there in eternity.
The Father began creation as He spoke (Logos)...He said "let there be" and "all things were made by Him". Who is the Him? Christ brought form and substance to The Father's creation. As God the Father chose to express His creative character, the Word became something conclusive and established. Christ reveals to us the mind of God. He has made the incomprehensible God intelligible.
That is why He says "If you have seen me you have seen the Father". Hebrews tells us "God who has spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways in these last days has spoken to us in His Son" Christ not only was the first, the Alpha but He is also the last, Omega. Those are the first and last letters of the alphabet. Jeus is the A through Z...He puts God's mind, thoughts and power into language that we can undestand and see.
The Word, Jesus Himself, is God's language to us...that is how we hear God's words, we see Him, we can relate to Him and it is the way God chose to manifest Himself to the world.
What are the Scriptures ? "They are the Word of God". Jesus said the Scriptures spoke about Him! Scripture tells us of Christ's coming, His life and His return. The Scriptures: reveal God's mind to send the Son, express His will for the perfect sacrifice and proclaim His Son as Lord of all. As Christ lay in the manger God's Love Language was clearly seen and at the Cross it was fully expressed. He held no words back!
How well do we know God's love language? Experts who are trying to match love languages between people, do it with the goal of communicating better. Their hope is that we find each other's love language and speak to each other more clearly and lovingly. But there is One who speaks the true love language and it is perfect and He speaks with power and gentleness. He is Jesus...the Alpha and Omega...the One who speaks to you from the manger and from the cross...He is the living Word who can speak to us...are we listening?
Here is the video for the song "Mary did you know?" from earlier in the week.
Hope you enjoy!
Have a great weekend.
Alice writes:
Your cookie recipe reminded me of a fun tradition we had with our grown children. We gathered on a Saturday in early December--our three children, their spouses, and our grandchildren. I had prepared copies of several recipes, gathered huge mixing bowls, and a trunkload of ingredients. We paired up kids and adults with each other and mixed and baked cookies to the sound of Christmas music. Each family had trays of cookies to take home, plus for church events and other people who we had concerns for. The children had a lot of fun decorating the cookies. Now that we are in Florida at Christmas, we are not there to share this event with our children so I was thrilled to talk to my son's mother in law this past week. While our son and daughter in law were in Ethiopia adopting two little boys, their other four children stayed with Oma (the other grandmother.) She had friends who invited the children to come over and decorate cookies last Saturday. They must be really good by now because on Monday they went to another home to decorate cookies. I think next year I might invite children down here to come over to decorate cookies. I really believe time is a better gift at Christmas, don't you? The grandchildren felt very special to be included in these cookie decorating events.
It's great to carry traditions on...even if they are slightly different as time moves on! Thanks for sharing...Janet
Earlier in the week I offered some gift ideas to would also emphasize God's gift of Christmas. I hope you enjoyed looking at the websites and looking at more books.
This past weekend I was out and about doing some Christmas shopping and getting some groceries for the week. At this time of the year there is one question you keep hearing from people...What should I give _________for Christmas? or What do you want for Christmas? We are all trying to think of the right gift and for many, to be sure we can give what family and friends want, we just simply ask.
There are many more types of questions being asked today like :What are you doing to celebrate Christmas? What are you getting for Christmas? But can I suggest, that there is a question few of us ask this time of the year. What we could be asking is "Who do you say the Christ child is?" This question hinges life and death. This question either brings a blessing or a condemnation.
In Matthew 16:13-17 Jesus Himself asks the question...
"When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He asked His disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" They replied "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah and still others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
"But what about you?" He asked. "Who do you say that I am?"
Simon Peter answered "You are the Christ. The son of the Living God."
Jesus replied "Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven."
Have you ever asked anyone such a question? What a marvelous way to not only see where a person's understanding of Christ is, but also a great opportunity to share the Gospel. What if all of us this week went about asking "Who do you say the Christ Child is"? Could we have an impact this Christmas? I think so.
We have looked at who this Christ Child is over the past two weeks. We have enough information to share the truth of who He is. The full revelation, however, comes from God the Father. Jesus said that Himself. So all we are charged to do is give witness of Him...then we trust God to reveal His fullness in their heart.
Could we take on that challenge? I will! Let me know if and how you do...
Tomorrow some gift ideas that reveal God's Truth to share with others.
Yvette writes regarding her focus of Christmas:
"I have always told my children that Christmas day is Jesus' Birthday, and that is why we celebrate Christmas. I also explained to my children, ages three and four that Santa is just the party planner for Baby Jesus' Birthday. I have only taken my children to see Santa once in their whole life. This year i told the children the truth....yes the real truth.....it's not really Santa, just a man wearing a fancy costume ; )The children know that the gifts they receive are from family members not Santa.Last year was the last time we left cookies out for Santa.To be quite honest, both children were frightened at the thought of a stranger coming into their house, even if they were leaving gifts. Every year the kids help stir the batter to make a birthday cake for baby Jesus. After Christmas dinner, we all sing happy birthday to Jesus."
Thanks Yvette for those encouraging words! I especially love that you make Santa "the party planner"!
Hope this clip for the "Smile it is Friday" post will bring a smile to your heart!
Have a wonderful weekend. Janet
It has been amazing looking at the birth of Christ these past weeks. I have learned so much and really searched myself to find out if I had worldly perceptions of Christmas and if I did where they robbing the true joy...and I have to say I did. I love Christmas...I love the decorations, the excitement, the gift giving and carols. But if those things steal any praise away from the truth of Christmas it is robbing Christ of His due worship and praise. I have to confess that was happening to me. How about you? Has this look at the baby in the manger caused you to look at Christmas different? And even more importantly, what change has it caused?
For me I am overwhelmed at Christ's humility...I must also humble myself. It has also caused me to ask myself "Am I teaching that to my kids?" Am I letting them know how precious the Christ baby is? How can I steer their thinking away from "What can I get for Christmas?" to "What can I give for Christmas?".
Something else I have considered...Am I also seeing those three reactions to the birth of our Savior in my family? My neighborhood?
If so, how can I give them the Truth? I am praying how to do that.
If you have any suggestions as how to share or enjoy the Truth of Christmas, would you let me know?
Here are some suggestions I thought of...
1) Have a "Birthday for Jesus" party and invite neighborhood kids.
2) A Christmas card that just does not say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" but has a verse that exalts the birth of Christ.
3) Read the Gospel of Matthew Chapters 1 and 2 after dinner with the kids. And next week the Gospel of Luke also Chapters 1 and 2.
4) Give in secret...maybe go to an single parent and visit. After make a list of gifts for her and her children. Have your kids shop and then on Christmas Eve leave the gifts at her front door with a note saying "Jesus the Truth of Christmas is the greatest gift" ...Maybe leave a new Bible with a bookmark on the verses...
5) You could also serve Christmas lunch at a homeless shelter then go home and do yours.
6) Invite friends who might not have heard the Gospels and share the meaning of His birth.
7) Have our children write their very own Gospel message. Have them write down what they know of Jesus' birth and what it truly means. Maybe include them in your Christmas cards for family members who are lost.
Well, those are just some ideas to get us started. Let me know your thoughts...
The story of Christmas is filled with wonder and joy. In the past days we have looked at the birth of Christ, His parents, His announcement and yesterday we saw the first to receive the news that a Savior was born where the lowliest shepherds. There where others who also received news of this special birth. Some where wise men and others were fools who may have understood but never responded.
There is a deep mystery surrounding the three wise men. The bible does not say much about them...it seems as they just appear and as mysteriously as they do they disappear from the pages of scripture. Much has been added over time to their part of the story. But the clear facts are right there in the Gospel of Matthew.
"Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him."
When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written by the prophet: AND YOU, BETHLEHEM, LAND OF JUDAH, ARE BY NO MEANS LEAST AMONG THE LEADERS OF JUDAH; FOR OUT OF YOU SHALL COME FORTH A RULER WHO WILL SHEPHERD MY PEOPLE ISRAEL.'"
Then Herod secretly called the magi and determined from them the exact time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and search carefully for the Child; and when you have found Him, report to me, so that I too may come and worship Him." After hearing the king, they went their way; and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way. "
This is what Scripture clearly says about the wise men. There may not have been three but for sure three gifts. They found Jesus after a long journey...probably months and some scholars even think years. When they found Jesus He was no longer in the stable but a house (Matt 2:11)
So their journey took them far and long...they probably traveled with an army and definitely provisions for the journey which most likely included food, servants and animals. So when they entered Bethlehem, they would have been quickly noticed. As they traveled down the streets they asked everywhere "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews" None could answer them...but the murmur of the city questioning "Who is this one who the Magi are asking about?" must have been heard in Herod's court. Herod's fear arose from this, because he was not in the true line of Jewish Kings. He was evil and ruthless. His position was given to him by Rome so a real Jewish King from the line of David posed a real threat. He more than likely, had heard of a coming King and knew he must be disposed of quickly.
The Magi, on the other hand, were eagerly searching for this King. They had little information, but they had enough that God stirred in them a desire to see and worship. They came fully prepared to give gifts and praise. They traveled a long way and a long time...their hearts must have been full with anticipation. They followed what little "light" was given to them until they reached the fullness of that source "The Light of the World".
I think it is interesting to look at these three types of people and see that the responses to Christ's coming are no different today.
Herod. He pretended to want to worship and yield his authority to this King. But in reality he wanted to remain in the throne. People are like that today...they won't relinquish their authority over their lives. They say "I am my own master" "It is my life and I won't have anyone tell me how to live it"
They may pretend to want to know about Christ but their lives are self-centered and prideful. They want to kill Christ because in their eyes He is a threat.
The Jewish people and Chief Priests. They had heard of the coming of their King. They had the Scriptures. They had a lot of knowledge about him. We see that because they came with the information to Herod. They told him that a ruler would come to shepherd the people of Israel. (Matt. 2:6) But they were to busy to move out of their comfort zone and find this King. They had all the head knowledge but no obedience. Their head was full but their hearts were empty. Today there are people like that. They hear the Gospel even know about Christ. But they are to busy with their own things to "Follow Him". They lack nothing in understanding who He is but they have no desire to seek Him fully.
The Magi. They had knowledge of Christ but it may be incomplete. Yet God moves their heart to leave everything behind and find the fullness of who He is. The magi had as much information as the Jewish people and they obediently followed as their minds and hearts lead. They persevered until they came to Christ. The light they found was the pure Shekinah Glory. That same Light lead the Israelites through to the Promised Land. This time it lead the Magi to the Promised Son.
This Christmas how will the world respond? I am sad to say the same way...Some will be angered and want to take Christmas out of our vocabulary. They will want to kill Christ. Others will be to busy to respond. They have busy lives and to much to do to leave and follow. But there will also be those who hear and follow that little bit of Light. Whether they hear it in a Christmas presentation, a friend shares the Good News or they go to Church, they will hear and follow that until they reach the fullness of His Glory.
Where do we fall? How can we, who know the fullness of the Light, share that with those who are in a journey? Those are important questions to ask.
I had a friend recently who had a baby and she sent a beautiful birth announcement. It was a cute little card with a picture of her baby boy. She sent it to all her friends and family so that everyone could see the baby and also share in the wonder and joy of his birth.
I don't mean to get off track on our look at the Birth of Jesus...but Saturday I needed a word of encouragement...do you know when you feel like you are doing battle with your mind and emotions? One side says keep going..."I will show you the way"....and the other says why? That is how I felt Saturday....an uphill battle....like swimming upstream and here comes a boulder that hits you in the heart...and you just want to get out of the water! Just want to hibernate...isolate yourself and just rest. Emotions are deceptive. Our hearts veer our perception of the truth if we don't guard against it.
Proverbs 4:20-23 says
"My son, pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight
keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man's whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart
for it is the well spring of life."
What is the solution to our emotions and feelings? It is the "Word" or as noted here the "words" of God. If we are basing our emotions on anything but the truth, they will lead us astray, rob our joy, blur our security and cause us doubt. Solomon tells us "don't let them out of your sight...they are life...and health" Have you ever gotten sick in the stomach over your feelings? You have "pit" in you and you feel physically sick...that happens when we let our feelings and emotions get away from the truth.
That is what I was noticing Saturday...my feelings where getting the best of me or should I say the "worst of me". Many of us have been there before...we "feel" anxious. We imagine all sorts of things that would validate our emotions. But I want to show you something I discovered this weekend because I realized how weak and susceptible I had become once again to my "feelings"
First: I was talking to myself instead of listening to myself. You know what I am saying...I was talking and every sentence I spoke tried to validate what I was feeling. Instead I should have listened to myself. If I would have stopped to hear myself, I would have noticed I had a distorted view of the facts. Was I having a secret revelation? No...I was letting my hurt feelings and discouragement lead to imaginations that not only gave me the right to feel this way but increased those feelings. Do you do that? Let your heart lead your mind to what you think is true?
Second: I should have taken my thoughts upward instead of downward. Yes the further I let my thoughts go down, the further I was from God's truth. The deeper I went into my "flesh" the father I got from the Divine. I need to go upward in my thoughts. Upward means lead my thinking to what I know about God. His power...sovereignty, grace, provision, love. Instead I went to my needs, my rejection, my self-absorption.
Third: we go upwards when we know "the Word". John tells us in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Later in verse 14 John says, " The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us"...there it is! God with us...Emmanuel. John could have said "in the beginning was Grace" or "in the beginning was Love" which would also have been accurate. But through the Holy Spirit he wrote "in the beginning was the Word" Isn't that amazing...that is because in The Word we can find grace and love and power. Can I tell you "the Word" changed the world. The Word changed the course of history. If The Word can change that...it can change me! Aurthur Pink in his commentary on John says "The Scriptures reveal God's mind, express His will, make known His perfections and lay bare His heart. This is precisely what the Lord Jesus has done for the Father."
The Word is God's language to our hearts. When God wants to speak He displays Christ. Christ is the full manifestation of God...God once chose to speak through the prophets but know He speaks through Christ.
The Word clarifies confusion...it truthfully reasons with us...it imparts wisdom, purpose and it is a means of dispensing God's grace. That is why Paul tells us to "take every thought captive under the authority of Christ". He knows that emotions and feelings can lead us astray...He must have experienced that many times...but he pounded his body to press on...he separated truth from fiction...TRUTH is Christ.
Lastly: I must start every day in "The Word" for it will sanctify my heart and discipline it for the day. If I don't do this, I am assured that by noon I will be a basket case
I know some of you are going through troubled times...many are discouraged....saddened by loved ones...work is scarce...jobs are on the line...homes are being foreclosed. May I encourage you and myself as I say...Jesus is in the storm...He knows disappointment...He is not surprised by the economy...He knows your needs. He is on the throne dispensing grace and mercy with an open hand.
At the cross every disciple felt great disappointment ...grief...sadness. All their plans and hopes lay dead. What appeared to be the greatest defeat became the mightiest of victories. Through the cross came the crown...when hope was gone life was imparted...victory was had!
Wherever we are He will walk with us, cry with us, then lift our minds so our hearts will rise up from disappointment. He speaks to us in His Word...and the Word became flesh and dwelt with us. Jesus...Immanuel!
I hope this encourages you.
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