It is not hard to see that Christmas is quickly upon us. Many are already caught up in the pressure of shopping, gift giving, parties. Everyday I must get about 20 catalogues letting me know what to give for Christmas. Toys, sweaters, platters etc. It seems that Christmas has become a business...or should I say busyness...Everyone in a hurry!
In the next couple of weeks the pressure will build ... is it possible to move slower? Is it possible for us to "take back" Christmas? I think so...we have to first change our minds and receive a clear picture of what Christmas is all about. Christmas is about Christ. And to really experience Christmas we have to know whom we celebrate and it is not us!
Isaiah 7:14 says
"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel"
Who is Immanuel? He is "God with us" Matthew 1:23.
It is hard for us to conceive that God Himself would step down from His heavenly throne and restrict Himself to an earthly body.
Paul tells us ..."Who in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness," Philippians 2:6-7
How could one who was without boundaries confine himself to time restrictions?
One who is the most powerful find himself tired and hungry?
"Early in the morning He was on the way back to the city, He was hungry." Matthew 21:18. And there are many other depictions in the Gospel of Jesus being tired, hungry and even deeply grieved.
John MacArthur in his book "God's Gift of Christmas" says, "...Can anyone explain how God could become a baby? Yet He did. Without forsaking His divine nature or diminishing His deity in any sense. He was born into our world as a tiny infant...He was fully human with all the needs and emotions that are common to every human."
Jesus, "Immanuel" is at the very heart of Christmas. He is its heartbeat.
Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 8:9,
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that though He was rich
so that you through His poverty might become rich"
That is the truth of Christmas...God made Himself nothing to redeem a sinful, poverty stricken people. And through His richness we become rich. We who had nothing are given everything! He is the gift and He is the giver. So Christmas has really nothing to do with us and everything to do with Him. Our focus and joy comes from knowing Him. And celebrating Him!
How can we keep that focus? If He is the greatest gift, then that is what we should be reflecting to the world, giving to the lost and savouring in our hearts.
Man's condition apart from Christ is the same today as when He first came. The world continues to need a Saviour. Man continues to be poor and sinful. The only answer to the world's condition is Christ...Immanuel ... God be with us!
Any thoughts?
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