Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Birth of a King...
As we are preparing our hearts for Christmas we have looked at who this "Baby" in the manger is...He is Emmanuel "God with us". He is God...The Eternal one.... John tells us "He was with God in the beginning", John 1:2. Yesterday we read in Philippians how He took the form of a Bond-servant, how He descended from Heaven. He is fully God and fully man. Christ the Child lay in the manger.
Mostly we have looked at His Deity...His power and humility to lay aside His heavenly rights and step down to earth in human form. I thought today, I needed to look at His human birth. I imagine most of us know the story of Jesus' birth. Some of it, I am sure is glamorized at times, even romanticized as almost a legend is. But we must remember this is the true story of a family.
Luke 2:1-7 tells us the birth story:
"In those days, Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world...And everyone went to his own town to register.
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem, the town of David because he belonged to the house and the line of David. He went there to register with Mary who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger because there was no room for Him in the Inn."
Having a baby today is much different than it was back then. Today we enter a room, that has all the conveniences of home. We have nurses who tend to our needs. Pain medication should we need it and doctors who are nearby to "bring the baby into the world". But to appreciate the the birth of Christ, we have to go back to that time.
Even as Luke begins chapter 2, He is going even further back in time and showing us that even before His birth Jesus was fulfilling prophecy. Micah 5:2 says "But you, Bethlehem. Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times." The Jewish nation had heard of the coming of a ruler...He would be one who would destroy their enemies and establish the kingdom of Israel. They had heard about it for hundreds of years. And on the day that the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus made the decree, they never realized God was beginning to bring to fulfillment the right time and place for His coming.
But Mary must have known. She must have known in her heart and body that the time was coming for the baby to be born. And as they searched for a room where the baby could be born, there was no room. She probably wanted a clean room, with access to clean water. She had never had a baby before and she was probably just 12 or13. There was no midwife or assistance for Mary. No bed to lay the child. No soft sheets to clean and wrap him up. She had to do it all by herself...clean the baby and clean herself.
MacArthur in his book "God's Gift of Christmas " says "Mary did it herself. And where usually would have been a cradle or basket for the baby, there was none. Mary had to put Him in an animal's feeding trough. When Christ entered the world, He came to a place that had some of the smelliest, filthiest and most uncomfortable conditions. But that is part of the wonder of divine grace, isn't it? When the Son of God came down from heaven, He came all the way down."
Yes from the very beginning, Christ humbled himself...even as a baby. He could have come with a triumphant announcement letting the world know the King has been born. I remember when Princess Diana had her first son...it was televised on TV! Masses of people where on the street waiting for the announcement that the "Princess has had a son!"
The angels could have heralded it from every mountain top to the world "Hail, your King has been born". But not our Lord...He came quietly, unsuspecting and in the most "down to earth way" that would not become a King. But that is His humility..."I came to serve not to be served" He would say later to His disciples.
Even today, people go about their business...making plans, running here and there. They have no idea that Jesus was born and a Saviour has been given. This Saviour, was foretold a long time ago...and today, His coming is heralded and announced by many Christians...yet the world has no clue He has come. They see Christmas as a wonderful holiday...time off...time to get gifts and time to enjoy all the festivities. They have no room for Christ. Just as there was no room at His birth...today there is no room for Him in hearts and days. How sad...How tragic!
The question we all need to ask...do we marvel at the Birth of Christ. Do we stand in amazement at His wonderful arrival? Do we see Christmas as His!
But who did know and hear and respond to His arrival?...Next week we will see the most unlikely of people welcome Christ!
Any thoughts? Can you share this event with someone today? Your kids? Friends?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Yes...we have a new look but the content is the same...
To fully grasp and understand the meaning of Christmas, we have to look at Christ. Yesterday we saw that Jesus is "Immanuel" which means "God with us". That is an amazing statement. God, the creator took the form of the created. The Infinite One became finite. To fully understand that (and I am not sure we fully can) we have to look at the precise words Paul uses to describe this marvelous reality.
Yesterday, I quoted Paul's description of Christ's humility from
Philippians 2:6-7, "...although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond servant and being made in the likeness of men"
To bring to light the fullness of what Paul is trying to say, we have to look at a couple of words as they are in the Greek text. The first word is "form". "Form" in this context is the word "morphe" which refers to the outward appearance of the inner reality. In other words, Jesus has always existed in the "form of God'. By His very nature, He is and will always be God, possessing all the divine before He came as the Christ-child and even after. It is who He is. By His very nature, Christ is, always has been and forever will be divine.
Now there is another word that can often be translated as "form". This word is quite different it is "Schema" . "Schema" is the outward form that changes from time to time and from situation to situation. A good way to look at these two words is to think of ourselves. We are all essentially human. Our nature is human...as a women it is female and as a man it is male. That is our "morphe" but we change depending on our stage in life. I was a child then a young girl and then a young woman. Now I am a middle-aged woman and will be one day an old-woman. My outward "schema" changes all the time but my inward "morphe" stays the same.
So as Christ became a child then a man, His "morphe" never changed but His "schema" did... as He took the "schema" of a "bond-servant". He is fully divine and fully man as He lived a human life with all the changes it brings.
How does this help us worship Him more fully at Christmas time? As John MacArthur puts it " In light of the profound reality of Jesus' full and uncompromising deity, His incarnation was the most profound possible humiliation. For Him to change in any way or to any degree, even temporary by divine decree of His Father, required descent. By definition, to forsake perfection requires taking on some form of imperfection. Yet, without forsaking or in any way diminishing His perfect deity of His absolute holiness..."
Now before we truly can appreciate this passage there is one more word to look at. Philippians 2:6 says "He did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped". The word "equality" is in a plural form in the Greek (isa= "equalities") Which suggests that Paul may be thinking of every aspect of Jesus' deity. The term refers to exact equivalence...like an isosceles triangle has two equal sides. Jesus did not in any way forfeit His equality with God as He became man. Both the Divine and the human are found in Christ. That is why He can be the perfect sacrifice, have a sinless life, be our Atonement and provide our justification.
When you put all that together, NOW take a look at that baby in the manger. It is the Christ Child...born human with all the frailties and limitations and yet fully God with all the power and perfection of God.
Christmas is the good news...God came to earth! He is with us!
Let me know your thoughts girlschat@gmail.com
Here is a picture sent by Julie of her two, with their cousin "warming their toes" Thanksgiving weekend..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
It was a wonderful Thanksgiving...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A Feast of Abundance
Ever wonder why we love Thanksgiving so much? I have heard it say...it is a favorite holiday of many. Someone just recently even said it is a favorite over Christmas, because during Christmas there is such pressure to "get the right gift". Many can attest to those feelings also. We will chat about Christmas in the weeks to come...How to "Go back to the essence of Christmas" and how to "Worship the real Christmas", but for today lets chat about why we love Thanksgiving. We love Thanksgiving because we get together with family and friends. We "give Thanks" for so many blessings. Of course one of the main reasons is the food...we make so much of it. Many of us have already begun making pies, cakes, dressing. The media has been getting America ready for Thanksgiving. They tell us of how to decorate the table. What dishes to make. What each dish will cost us in calories and then how NOT to eat those calories! And if all that information wasn't enough, they also tell us how to get in an exercise program to loose all the weight we will gain because of all the "push" to cook and eat so much. We are a nation of consumption...
But I want to show us that there is a true "Feast" to be had...enjoyed...and of course thankful.
Psalm 36:5-9
"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
your justice like the great deep.
O Lord, you preserve both man and beast.
How priceless is your unfailing love.
Both high and low among men
find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
The Psalmist has an unfailing view of what a true feast is about. He knows God's provision has been lavished on him. He sees God's great bounty...because God is the source it is a never ending flow...And because of God's grace it has all been afforded to him in Christ Jesus.
Paul also describes this abundant "feast" in a prayer for the Ephesian Church. And this is my prayer for everyone who reads this post...who "accidentally" comes across this site in the next few days...
"For this reason I kneel, before the Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power, through His spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. AND I PRAY THAT YOU BEING ROOTED AND ESTABLISHED IN LOVE MAY HAVE THE POWER WITH ALL THE SAINTS TO GRASP HOW WIDE AND LONG AND HIGH AND DEEP IS THE LOVE OF CHRIST" Eph. 3: 14-18
How great is His love?....How bountiful is His feast?...they are one and the same! This Thanksgiving focus on the "giver of all good things" and remember "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the Glory forever and ever! Amen." Now that is a feast of abundance.
We leave tomorrow for Atlanta so there will be no posts until Monday. Would love to see pictures of your Thanksgiving or thoughts about your gratefulness. Send them to: Girlschat@gmail.com I will post them next week and then we will start chatting about "How to prepare our hearts (and our children's) for the real Christmas"
Monday, November 19, 2007
Not just leftovers
Every Monday, as I ask God to show me what to post for the week, it begins a time of study and quietness before Him. Often I look to where I am in my own study but this morning He took me back to a story in Mark that I have looked at and studied before. This time He gave me a new freshness about it...maybe because it is Thanksgiving time and we all are called as Christians to have a Thankful heart. Maybe it is because it deals with "feeding" which we all can relate to this time of year. Anyway...it is in Mark 6. It is the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand (which may be how many are feeling now) Please stay with me...the details of the story is what will impact our lives. The story unfolds in Mark 6:30. The apostles had gathered to talk to Jesus and eat but the crowds kept coming. Jesus told them to go with Him to a quiet place across the water. So the apostles and Jesus got in a boat and went across the sea, but the people followed on foot from the shore and arrived at the other side before the apostles and Jesus did. So Jesus knowing the crowds where hungry, told the disciples to feed them. The disciples were confused, and felt very overwhelmed over this task. "They said to Him, that would take eight months of a man's wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?" (Mark 6: 37 ) As the story continues: Jesus directs them to have everyone sit down and for the apostles to bring to Him the meager five loaves and two fish they had gathered from among the crowd. So Jesus blessed the 5 loaves and 2 fish... everyone ate and as verse 42 says "were satisfied" More amazing than the feeding of the 5,000 is that there were leftov
ers! Verse 43 says "The disciples picked up twelve basketful's of broken pieces of bread and fish" From those five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed 5,000 and had leftovers! (Notice that there were 12 baskets full...one for each of the disciples!)
Now that the backdrop of the story has been set up we read in Mark 6:..45 "Immediately JESUS MADE His disciples get into the boat. He went up on the mountainside to pray" (emphasis mine) The disciples had just witnessed and also participated in one of the greatest miracles. They had gathered the leftovers and may have even placed them in the boat with them. While the disciples were in the boat a storm came up. Mark 6: 48 goes on " He (Jesus) saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night He went out to them" Jesus watched from the mountain the disciples struggling against the storm...it is easy to assume that they were frightened and overwhelmed by the storm. They where so afraid that when Jesus walked past them on the water, they thought it was a ghost. Then Mark says beginning in verse 51 "He climbed into the boat with them and the wind died down. They were completely amazed for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened"
It is easy to excuse the disciples actions. Jesus walking on water in the middle of a storm could frightened any man. But Scripture gives us the insight of why..."They had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened" They had just witness a great miracle...proof of the miracle was in the boat with them (the leftover baskets) yet the first trial comes and they had forgotten it all. Past victories with God build our faith in present trials. Storms do come into our lives...they can come quickly or they can slowly build up momentum and last a while. Mark tells us it was in the fourth watch that Jesus came...that is in the height of the storm...when it was at its worst. Yet Jesus did come...and great comfort is given to us because we see that He watched them from the mountain (verse 48).
Jesus is never far from our storms. Jesus allows us to experience and partake in past miracles so we can face new obstacles with strong faith. His "leftovers" are validation of His power to overcome great impossibilities. What is leftover from your past victories with Christ? A healthy child, a restored marriage, a wayward child returning home? All these provide evidence of God's past work. Why do we quickly forget?
If there is a trial or storm you are facing, go back to the last time God brought you out of a difficult time. Gather those leftover memories and put them in the boat with you. Remember He is Faithful. The question is always would you rather be in the boat with Christ or on the shore alone? Christ brings rest and security through difficult times. He is watching...when the storm is at it's worst Christ is at His best! Remember and be grateful. Those leftovers are enough to carry you through.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Smile it is Friday!
Often words can not truly capture for how much we have to be grateful. Creation alone speaks in volumes....Look around you and see what God Himself says about Himself...It is enough to fill our hearts overflowing with gratitude....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
In everything give thanks...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Grateful Heritage
Ever wonder what role we have been commanded to have in the spiritual upbringing of our children? So many today, leave all the "spiritual teaching" to others. I am not saying that God does not provide many ways to help supplement and re-enforce His Word to our children. We just need to be careful that we don't entrust ALL of our children's spiritual growth to others.
I started to read yesterday, 2 Timothy. It is a beautiful letter from Paul to Timothy. Paul is at the end of his life...he will shortly be executed and is in a jail pit, underground. In this beautiful letter, Paul takes the opportunity to charge Timothy and also acknowledges his wonderful heritage. He says in 2 Timothy 1:5
"For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure it is in you as well."
Timothy had a heritage of sincere faith that first was exhibited by his grandmother and mother. For Paul to mention them implies that he must have known their faith was real. They probably came to hear the Gospel of Christ in Paul's first missionary journey. (Acts 13:13-14:21) They, more than likely, were Jewish believers who fervently witnessed to Timothy. Paul acknowledges Timothy's spiritual "roots" ...
"But you should continue following the teachings you learned. You know they are true, because you trust those who taught you. Since you were a child you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise. And that wisdom leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." 2Tim. 3:14-15
Who taught Timothy since he was a child? Who did Timothy trust?
The teaching Timothy learned came from his mother and grandmother who learned it from Paul. These were teachings that went against everything taught in the present culture they were living.
Acts 16 tells us that they lived in Lystra, a district of the Roman province Galatia. Acts 16:1 “Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. A disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek.” So Timothy is the product of a home with a believing mother and an unbelieving father. He did not allow Timothy to be circumcised. Yet with all the opposition that Timothy faced, in the culture and even in his home, his mother and grandmother witnessed and taught him the Gospel. They were persistent and diligent to teach him what was true.
That is why Paul says "Since you were a child you have known the Holy Scriptures" Timothy must have just not heard the Scriptures, he must have seen them lived out in his mother and grandmother. What a charge that is to us...in a time where everything that the world offers and thinks comes directly against what God teaches, we can have a bold witness and testimony with our children. We CAN influence our children and lead them to faith, but we must first know our faith and then boldly live it before them. The task of raising Godly children is not to be handed over. It is for us...and what God has entrusted to us, He will provide what we need to accomplish it. But we must be diligent:
Spend time in God's word.
Study His teachings.
And then most important, we have to not only know His Word but we must live it...Apply...be obedient.
Then, we can have the greatest impact on our children. And who knows...the next "Timothy" may be raised and many will be thankful.
If you would like to receive this post, or have a thought...please e-mail me at
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
More ideas...
Sorry for the late post today...This morning David delayed his trip to spend some time "catching up" with me. As we all have learned, it is so important to make time for our husbands. But in order to do that, I had to post-pone somethings.
To continue the thoughts from yesterday, on how to instill in our children a grateful attitude, here is another idea for the table. You can call them "Gratitude Place Cards". Fold in half a 3"X5" note card. On the outside write your guest or family member's name. On the inside have the kids write down why they are grateful for that person or family member. If you have more than one child, assign each child a family member or guest. (Can assign more than one per child if you need to) Place the card in the center of the plate where you would like to have your guest sit.
Everyone will enjoy reading why our kids are grateful for them. It can be read out loud or kept privately.
For older children, inside the "Gratitude Place Card" have them search the Scriptures and find a verse they would like to share with that guest. That is a wonderful way to get our kids to use God's Word to express their thoughts. It could be a "blessing" or a "praise" for them.
Teaching our kids how to be grateful begins with having them express what they are grateful for. Recognizing that "God has given us much" can be instilled at any age.
Let me know your thoughts or how it goes...Janet
Monday, November 12, 2007
Endings and beginnings
Tomorrow night the "Naples Girls" will meet for the final BookClub to discuss Carolyn Mahaney's "Feminine Appeal". It has been a wonderful study and many of you (even though you may not be here) have been encouraged, challenged and taught what it means to be a Godly wife, mother and friend. So now as we end this study, I have been thinking about what to do next. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming, I thought it would be appropriate to get our minds and hearts ready for Christmas. What is the joy of Christmas? How can we prepare not only our hearts, but our children's heart, to find the wonder and real meaning of Christmas? And on a closer approach, how can we develop a grateful spirit in our home? As I have chatted with some of you, all these questions seem to point to a need we have.
So from now until Christmas, we will be chatting about being thankful and the real meaning of Christmas.
I hope you will stay with me...I know you will find our posts meaningful and helpful.
For today...I wanted to share a family craft you can do to begin to prepare kids for Thanksgiving. I know there is lots of talk of turkey and eating and family gathering. But for your centerpiece this year why not do a "Gratitude Pumpkin Patch"?
Start with gathering either real or resin (plastic) pumpkins. Real pumpkins will not last long so the plastic ones you can put out every year and add to your "patch". You will need them to be at least 3 inches wide. Gather as many as you need for your family. With a sharpie, have them write on the bottom of the pumpkin " (Their Name) Gratitude Pumpkin for 2007" . Then, in a different place...maybe going around the pumpkin : " (Name) is grateful for __________(Then have a list of what they are grateful). For smaller children you can have them write with pencil and you go back and retrace their cute writing or you can write it for them. I still have Josh's first "Gratitude Pumpkin" where he listed he was grateful for his first Bible and Mrs. B (what he called his first grade teacher)
You then gather the pumpkins in a basket with Fall garland. It makes a wonderful and reflective centerpiece and one you can talk about at the table on Thanksgiving day.
Hope you enjoy it!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The power of submission
We have looked at submission now for a few days and we probably could for several more weeks, but for today let's talk about the power of submission. You are probably thinking..."Power? I don't see how submitting to my husband equals power." Well it does. When we submit to the God-ordained order for our marriages God does miraculous things through us and in us!
First: as 1 Peter 3:1 states "Likewise, wives be subject to your own husbands, so that if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives."
Here is a beautiful illustration of the power of submission. When we submit to our husband's leadership we are helping them fulfill the role that God has purposed for them. I don't know how many times I have heard women say "I wish my husband was the spiritual leader of the home" ; "He does not lead our family as he ought to" ; "I can't get him to lead so I have to make the decisions" As my husband David often says when he hears these comments "He IS the leader of your home, you just have to get out of the way and LET HIM LEAD" How true that is. Women desire for their husbands to lead but the problem is that they don't like where he is leading them, he is not doing it fast enough or that simply we want it our way. Part of the problem is that our desire to usurp their authority is part of the Fall of Adam and Eve. Do you remember, submission was part of God's design way back in the garden? After Adam sinned, God judged both Adam and Eve. Carolyn writes : "...One of the consequences of the Fall for women, it says in Genesis 3:16, is that their 'desire shall be for their husband'. The form and context of the word desire actually has a negative connotation--an urge to manipulate, control or have mastery over. Because of the curse, we now have a sinful tendency to want our own way and to resist our husband's authority."
To overcome this temptation to "rule over" our husbands we must by God's grace, subdue this desire and lean fully on God's Word, strength and power. We must "get out of the way" and control ourselves. As Carolyn points out "We see that the submissive wife--far from being the weak-willed woman our culture portrays--is actually a model of inner strength....it is actually weakness on display when a wife is NOT submissive, she is only caving into her natural inclination to usurp authority and demand her own way."
Second: What does Godly submission look like? First God is very clear that submission does not mean our husbands have the authority to cause us to sin. God alone is our authority, We submit to our husbands because God says to. It is by God's grace that we place ourselves under our husband's headship. So if our husbands should ask us to lie, fiddle with receipts for taxes or even not go to Church, we must humbly and gently let them know that we love them but can not do that because it is against God's clear Word. So with that said, how does submission look like everyday? To answer that, take time to answer these questions:
Do you turn to him and ask his opinion BEFORE you make a decision?
Do you wait on him to make the decision or are you impatient and move to do as you think?
Do you respect him?
Do you admire him?
Do you ask him first before you ask girlfriends?
Do you speak highly of him before your children, friends, co-workers?
And of course, when he gives direction do you obey?
All these questions cause us to look at everyday situations. If your answer is "Yes" then you know how to submit...if you answered "No" there is room to pray and ask God to give you the humility, patience and desire to let your husband lead.
Just as a side-note...when our husbands make a decision our attitude should be one of agreement and NOT of anger and resentment because they expressed something different. So many times our husbands make a decision and we come right behind grumbling and manipulating his emotions. If we do this often enough, they will never want to make a decision because of how unbearable we have made it for them. Let's be careful to respond to their leading with gentleness and without judgement. With God's power we can!
Have questions or comments on Submission...let me know
Just for fun,
tomorrow on our "Smile it is Friday" post I would love to share pictures of you, your kids dressed up or family snapshots. Send them and I'll post them.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Equal value and dignity
The last Chapter of Carolyn Mahaney's book "Feminine Appeal" deals with submission. Yesterday we took a look at what the word means from its Greek origins and from God as the original model of submission in the Trinity...today we will look at it from its Biblical origins.
Carolyn quotes Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them".
She writes, "Here we find that both male and female are created in the image of God...God establishes that man and woman are equal in value and dignity in His sight. A conviction of our equal worth is essential to understanding submission in the context of the marriage relationship.
Scripture makes NO allowances for male dominance or male superiority...neither is submission a position of inferiority or demeaning in its application." (emphasis mine)
God designed both men and women in His image...to be "created in His image" is the pinnacle of His creation. God never distinguishes between men and women as one being of more worth or importance. For us to think that women are less important or worth is to demean the image of God...it is sin!
So why is there submission...why can't both men and women "rule" equally? We all have been in situations where you have too many "Chiefs" and nothing gets done....there is confusion, disorder and at times pure chaos. God is His divine authority, designed submission as an orderly way of life. We saw yesterday we are called to submit to all sorts of "rankings" in life...authorities, bosses etc.
In regard to a husband's headship over his wife, Carolyn makes a very Biblical point, "God instituted a husband's leadership and a wife's submission prior to the entrance of sin (Gen.1-3)" When He created man and woman an order was established... He first made Adam and then out of Adam came Eve. Gen. 2:21-22 "Then the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man"
We see God already establishing order...Man first then out of him "a helper" (Gen 2:18) was fashioned. Adam and Eve's sin did not come until later...they lived joyfully in the garden within the context of marital submission. When sin came into the garden, the security and peace that submission and headship brought to Adam and Eve, was destroyed.
But as Carolyn also points out, in Ephesians 5:22-33, God reveals His ultimate intention for headship " It is to reflect the relationship of Christ and the Church...The husband is to mirror the sacrificial love of Christ by laying down his life for his wife and the wife is to exemplify the Churches joyful submission to Christ by following her husband's leadership"
Where there is no order there is chaos. How is your home run? Is there chaos because you keep "rising up" against our husband's headship? Do your children see the benefit or submission or are they confused? Do you obey the authorities placed above you.? Godly submission is a blessing for our home and lives. As wives we willingly and joyfully "put ourselves under" our husband's headship because it protects us, benefits our home and shows the world the glory of Jesus as the One who submitted to the Father. ( Phil 2:8) As single women, we submitt to the authorities God has placed over us...boses, parents. When we balk and grumble at this order, we display an anger towards God. It is like saying to Him, "I can do better than you...I will be my own headship!"
If this is what you are feeling, would you go to the Son, Jesus, and ask Him to give you the grace He had as He submitted to the Father? Would you ask Christ to humble you and give you joy just as He had? He will.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
From the beginning...
It is not hard to imagine why the concept of submission has gotten so misrepresented. The world paints this picture of domineering husbands and ancient cultures where women where nothing more than property. With this kind of imagery and perception it is easy to see why even the word "submission" can cause many women to rise out of their seats and take a stand against it.
But in reality, "submission" is a trait that began with God Himself.
First, lets look at the word "submission". In the Greek it is hupotasso. From the root tasso, comes the idea of arranging or putting things in order. The prefix hupo means "under". So together the word means to "voluntarily put oneself under". Submission does not means "inferiority" or "slavery" nor does it imply "domination".
J.D. Watson explains in his Devotional "A Word for the Day":
"As spirit-filled Christians, then, we rank ourselves under one another within God's predefined positions. Again this does not imply that one person is inferior to another. Rather it means that the Christian is humble and willing to be ranked underneath as God prescribes. Without such order there is chaos."
God has given certain order in Scripture. We are to submit to governing authorities (Romans 13).
Wives to husbands (Eph. 5:22; 1 Cor. 11:3; 1 Peter 3:1)
Christian husbands submit to the headship of Christ (Eph. 5:22, 25; 1 Cor 11:3)
Children are to obey parents (Eph. 6:1-3)
And an employee ranks himself under his employer and obeys (Eph. 6:4)
Godly submission brings about order and peace. It is not a "ranking" of greatest to least or of superior to inferior.
Once it has been established that it is God's purpose to have order through submission, we can look at the greatest example which is in the Trinity.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit represent the beauty of submission and headship. This Divine order that exists within the Trinity affirms that submission is God-purposed for good. Jesus submits to the Father and the Spirit to the Son. Through that order or "ranking" redemption came to the world. Jesus attained that by submitting to all God the Father had for Him ...even death. When we see Christ's willingness to submit and appreciate the beauty of submission we will discern Biblical submission. So you see, submission originated in God Himself.
Tomorrow we will look at the equal value and dignity in men and women. We will go all the way back to Genesis.
Monday, November 5, 2007
True Happiness
A couple of weeks ago I was studying the Beatitudes in Matthew. God gave me some new insights this year on what it truly means to be "blessed". I had studied Matthew a few years ago, through BSF, but this year in particular, I was drawn into the meaning of "Blessed" or as many translate blessed to be "happiness". But, it is so much more than mere "happiness". Jesus gives a discourse on what being blessed looks like to those who are in His kingdom. As usual, God's word goes against our own thinking. What seems to be a paradox, actually gives us insight into God's kingdom and what it brings us and makes us.
The word "Blessed" in Matthew is the Greek word makarios and it speaks of "contentedness" which implies an idea NOT affected by circumstances. This is the way God wants His children to live...a state of joy and wellbeing that does not depend on physical, temporary circumstances.
But a further meaning is also found in makarios, it is as Greek Scholar Spiros Zodhiates writes "possessing the favor of God, that state of being marked by fullness from God" This gives us the idea of God's "blessing" on us. John Piper puts it as "God becomes 100% for us" Once we where at "enmity" with Him. Ephesians 2:3 says that Christians were “children of wrath” before they were made alive in Christ Jesus. “We all once lived [among the sons of disobedience] in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.” But now we are "blessed" and God's favor rests upon us.
Third, the word makarios goes even deeper as "one who becomes a partaker of God's nature through faith in Christ" From A Word for the Day by J.D. Watson.
Here, Mr. Watson also quotes Zodhiates again "To be makarios , blessed, is equivalent to having God's kingdom within one's heart".
So to be blessed is to be content regardless of circumstances because God is 100% for us and we have been transferred from His wrathful side to His loving side! How marvelous is that! Romans tells us that "If God is for us, who can be against us?" So therefore it does not matter what happens outside of us, inside and eternally we are safe, secure and loved, possessing all of God's favor and kingdom within us.
I know you must think, why are we looking at this now instead of the last chapter of Carolyn's book? Well the last chapter deals with submission and for many of us that is a hard concept. But how much better can we accomplish this as we see submission as part of His blessing and favor for us.
Tomorrow we will look at that further. Today, just think of how blessed you are...God's favor rests on you...He is 100% for you IF you are His child.
Dear Janet,
Amen to the "REAL" meaning of true happiness!!! Thanks for sharing....it always helps to be reminded of what God really wants for our lives....your comments are always a blessing..... Have a great day!! ...Cathy
Friday, November 2, 2007
Smile it is Friday!
This funny clip needs no explanation...but might offer some insight on why it is so hard for us to turn to Scripture. After taking this "guided tour" we will no longer have an excuse!
Have a great weekend. We are heading up to University of Florida for the Homecoming weekend. Go Gators!
Those of you who do not regularly receive the Girl'sChat post and would like to, please e-mail me at girlschat@gmail.com
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Some conversations...
I will post throughout the day...
Janet what a great blog! God is so amazing!! I love the reminder that the renewing of our mind is a daily activity. In our culture so much focus is on the external. Colossians 3:12 says," Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." These are the fruits of faith. Let's believe God! We are who He says we are, not the world. We are a chosen people, holy and dearly loved. Glory!! Thank You Jesus!
Love You!
Hey! Thanks for suggesting these books! My first note was just a note of praise to the Lord for allowing certain opportunities this week for me to love Jim with phileo love and not demand my rights. Both times it was something minor and even though I thought he was in the wrong I found it easy to forgive and not blow the whole thing out of proportion as I would have in the past! I think Jim was pleasantly surprised and I give all the credit to the Spirit's leading and the reading of this book.
Next week we will talk about "happiness" ...Christ has a lot to say.