Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday Chat...

Some of you were surprised that I posted on Tuesday but I woke up with so much in my head and heart I was impressed to write. David and I also received an e-mail from one of the men in our class on Sunday morning who is renewing his commitment to pray and study the Bible...I believe God answers our prayers and as wives we have a great privilege to bring our husbands to the throne of grace and intercede on their behalf.

1 Peter 3:1-2 says "Wives in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives when they see the purity and reverence in your life."

In a few weeks we will look at the big "S" word and I think many of us will come to a new appreciation of it. But as I look and meditate on this verse, I also see that by "the purity and reverence " in our lives we can also "refresh" our husbands. By our behavior the word is lived out...and God uses it to their benefit. Our husbands need to SEE our changing lives before is not just telling them what we are learning. And the reverence we have is first to God and then to them...Do you revere your husband? Do we even know what revering means?The Greek word for reverence is "Entrepo" it means literally "to feel respect or deference toward some turn into oneself" First and foremost the Most High deserves all our reverence and then our husbands. It is through that reverence to God first and then our husbands that unbelievers will believe and believing husbands will be refreshed!

Today I really would like to know how you all are doing? Have you noticed a difference in your life since we started this journey? Are you loving your husband in a fresh new way? Are you being challenged by what you are reading? What continues to be a stumbling block? What can we praise God about today?

Don't be shy now...Give God the Glory!

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